(This post was originally published in August 2019, and has been reposted now due to technical issues).

Copenhagen food and drink – Denmark’s capital is stylish, architecturally enthralling, and hosts a really thriving culinary culture. If you haven’t visited yet I would heartily recommend you do. We certainly plan to return in the very near future for more sipping and dinning…
I like to think of myself of being moderately (gastronomically) well-travelled. I’ve sipped bubbles in the reflected gleam of Sydney Opera House, sampled the culinary delights that New York, San Francisco, and even Las Vegas have to offer – check out Hot and Juicy Crawfish, it’s splendid. And I’ve had some fantastic meals across much of southern and western Europe.
However, there’s a gap in terms of pins on the dining-related world map of places JML and I have visited. For, until recently, I was someone in their 50s who has never visited Scandinavia. A shameful omission, I know. Yet thanks to a surprise birthday trip I am Scandi-deficient no more, as this July [2019] JML and I spent a wonderful, wonderful (sorry) long weekend in Copenhagen.
Not having visited the Danish capital before, I really didn’t know what to expect in terms of the quality and range of food and drink that would be on offer. Well of course it is THE place that started the Nordic food revolution thanks to the establishment of “the world’s greatest restaurant” there, in the form of Noma, and the subsequent inventive fine dining eateries it has inspired. However, irrespective of it being a birthday visit we couldn’t secure a place / afford to dine there – we did inadvertently walk past it mind, resulting in my going a bit weak kneed.
I’m happy to report however that Copenhagen has a captivating culinary scene, with a few components I wasn’t expecting. For anyone else planning a visit here’s what we discovered and enjoyed about eating and drinking in Denmark’s capital.
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