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Happy Birthday Scrumptious Scran, or what I have learned in my first year of food blogging

A birthday cake with candle
Happy foodie birthday.

Unbelievably, well for me at least, tomorrow will mark the first birthday of Scrumptious Scran. It is a cliché I know, but it simultaneously seems like five minutes since, and an age from when I decided to try my hand at food blogging. So, to mark this, personally sweet, anniversary I thought I would share a few things I have learned during my first year as a food blogger:

  • I am still learning. I’ve been reviewing restaurants, devising recipes (for print) and writing about food and drink stuff in general for 12 months. Yet I still feel like I am finding my feet – or my “voice” as it is often referred to. Being the columnist, sub, and editor combined can be tricky. But I think it’s going in the right direction. Blogging is brilliant, but sometimes it is challenging.
  • I’ve met some fantastic people; fellow food bloggers, writers, producers, chefs, campaigners, activists… It’s inspiring how many people share my passion for all things culinary, on every level. I simply didn’t have the confidence to interact with them in the same way, until I started writing about food on the blog.
  • Always be fair and honest in what you write. Enthusiasm and disappointment make for great copy in equal measure, but they are dishes that need to be served cold. Allow a couple of days of cooling off, or warming up, before you decide to publish that review or recipe. Oh, and if you have eaten somewhere for free – often at the behest of PR agencies – make sure you tell your audience. It should never influence opinion, of course, but always be up front about a freebie.
  • Food photography is hard work. Even with swish smart phones and digital SLRs, food pictures might not do justice to the dish. Food bloggers increasingly get sucked into what is described as “food porn”. I, too, like taking and sharing great pictures of what I eat. Sometimes in Scotland, in the middle of winter, these aren’t always as pretty as I would wish… 
  • If you are passionate about food, use social media to find likeminded folk. Used properly, it is the best blether about food and drink you could wish for. By way of example, a tweet from a fellow foodie last week led me to the most amazing coffee I have had in an age. Ideas fly and news spreads. And – this might sound a bit trite – sometimes you even get to have a chat with some true food heroes and heroines.
  • Thanks to everyone I have met, compared foodie thoughts with, and who have taught me so much over the last year. But above all, thank you to everyone who has taken time to read Scrumptious Scran. I am genuinely honoured.

 (Thanks to Ardfern for allowing the use of the lovely birthday cake photo).

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  • Reply
    Maria Sisci
    April 15, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Happy birthday! just discovered your blog, haven't had time to really read through everything but your photos are fantastic! Will take a closer look soon 😉

  • Reply
    Chris Berry
    April 16, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    Thank you Maria. I try my best but am still learning. Having looked at your pics, you are a really good food photographer. Must get some tips!

  • Reply
    Keep Calm and Fanny On
    April 17, 2014 at 2:10 am

    Happy Blogiversary! I like you am pleased the winter dark hours are behind us for the sake of photos 🙂

  • Reply
    Chris Berry
    April 17, 2014 at 7:44 am

    Why thank you KC&FO. Yes, taking decent food photos during the dark Scottish winter days and nights can be tricky, so much so I've thought of investing in some photographic lighting. Wonder if any other food bloggers have gone down this path?

  • Reply
    Vohn's Vittles
    April 18, 2014 at 6:21 pm

    Happy blogiversary Chris! You have done such a great job in only one year! Many congratulations. Thank goodness for the better light we are getting now and where did you get that "amazing coffee"?? Vohn x

  • Reply
    Chris Berry
    April 24, 2014 at 7:10 am

    Hi Vohn and thanks for your kind wishes. Yes, I'm really appreciating the longer days. The coffee was from Monmouth at Borough Market, when I was down a couple of weeks ago. Truly splendid brew – do try the place if you are down that way.

  • Reply
    Keep Calm and Fanny On
    April 25, 2014 at 2:43 pm

    I've thought about it too… I seem to remember Dom from Belleau Kitchen getting some a while back?

  • Reply
    May 1, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Happy scraniversary CB. Love reading your blog, even the meaty bits! Mo x

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